If you would like to know more about microgreens, how to grow them at home or how to build a profitable business with them, then you have come to the right place.


We are Saša and Boštjan and together we are Reactgreen. We’ve been running a microgreens business for the last 6 years. Microgreens are our life. We grow them, we eat them and we try to bring everyone the joy that we get from microgreens. When we started out with Microgreens we didn’t know the impact it would have on our life. 

Initially what started out as a hobby turned into a six figure business and our life as a family has completely changed. Not only in terms of achieving financial goals but also in every aspect of our lives. We are eating healthier, living a healthier lifestyle, enjoying microgreens together with our 2 beloved children and all thanks to microgreens and the decision we took 10 years ago to start growing them. 

We are proud to present you our Microgreens Master Class with over 15+ hours of video content, actionable templates as well as a private members Facebook group where we help answer your most pressing questions.

microgreens masterclass

Introduction to Microgreens MasterClass

Look into introduction video for our course Microgreens MasterClass by React Green.

Curriculum of the course

  1. Module: Begginers Guide for home growing microgreens
  2. Module: Growing microgreens for profit - Business approach
  3. Module: Edible flowers and edible wild plants
  4. Module: Gold nuggets and our growing techniques that makes a difference